The Story Behind the Bug-A-Salt High-Performance Salt Rifle

bug-a-salt high performance salt rifle

True story. Here I sit, underneath the awning at our campsite where my family and I are enjoying a week-long vacation getaway in the woods in Michigan’s upper peninsula, trying to enjoy my morning coffee. The never-ending attack from flies is horrendous and beyond irritating. Luckily, I’m armed and ready for battle with those annoying …

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27 of the Best Passive Income Ideas for Everyday People

passive income ideas

Are you looking for some truly passive income ideas to help you generate multiple income streams? Then you’re in the right place. This article lists 27 great ideas that you can do to generate money with minimum time investment. So if you have some spare cash and you’re looking to put it to work building …

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5 Things You Should Know Before Investing in Airbnb


Investing in Airbnb is all the rage; there are over 660,000 listings across the country and that number is ever-growing. This popular way to earn passive income can be fun and relatively easy, but there are some key things to know before diving in. 1) Risk v. Benefit Risky Business While there are several benefits …

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Passive Income for Retirement

passive income for retirement

Whatever retirement looks like for you – no doubt, passive income will have to factor into your equation in some way or another. For most people (like almost everybody), we have to work in order to earn money. At some point in our lives, we will stop working. If this work stoppage isn’t caused by …

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Passive Income for Your Loved Ones

passive income for your loved ones

The most irresponsible thing you could possibly do while living on this planet would be to die without making sure your loved ones are taken care of. Specifically, I am talking about a situation where you are the main provider for your family and you die earlier than anybody expected. The same holds true even …

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How to Start Your Own Blog

how to start your own blog

Learning how to make money online has been an extremely fun and rewarding experience for me. But it didn’t happen overnight and it hasn’t been easy. I literally went to Google one day and typed in – “How do I make money online?” That got me started. I ended up trying lots of different tactics …

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8 Must-Haves for Building a WordPress Blog in 2023

WordPress Blog

It’s funny how my life as an internet marketer has evolved over the years. I’ve been blogging and creating websites and trying to figure out how to strike it rich online for about 10 years now! I’m still not an internet millionaire – but I sure am having fun along the way, while I try …

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How to Make Money on Amazon Without Selling Anything

how to make money on amazon without selling

The Amazon ecosystem is the beast of all beasts when it comes to eCommerce and making money online. If you don’t fully understand how eCommerce and internet marketing works – you may share some common misconceptions regarding Amazon and how money is made. Did you know that many people think that Amazon is actually the …

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Custom Home Office Ideas for Working from Home

Despite some minor challenges and setbacks due to unforeseen circumstances, 2020 was really an amazing year! Countless office workers and other employees found themselves forced into work-from-home circumstances. As 2021 proceeds (and beyond), it’s looking more and more like this working from home thing isn’t going away anytime soon. To make the most out of …

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Dining Outdoors During Winter in Michigan is Fun!

Matt and Susie 16jan2021

In a world where (some) governmental leaders abuse their power and authority – we the people are sometimes forced to improvise. When you think about it… blogging and internet marketing have some parallels with life in general. Circumstances that are 100% out of our control sometimes force us in directions that we never could have …

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