Dividend Stock Investing to Grow Your Passive Income Portfolio

Dividend Stock Investing

When it comes to generating passive income, dividend stock investing is a great method. Not only is it easy to set up, but the returns can also be reasonably fast, which can make it ideal for beginners or anyone wishing to boost their passive income quickly. Seasoned investors also flock to dividend-paying stocks, as well. …

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Invest in a REIT to Increase Your Passive Income Portfolio

Invest In a REIT

REIT (pronounced ‘reet’) stands for Real Estate Investment Trust, and since its inception in  1960, the sector has grown to be worth $4.5 trillion in the United States alone. But what exactly is REIT investing, and how can it benefit you? This article explains just what a REIT is and how a strategy to invest …

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Crowdfunding Real Estate for Easy Passive Income

crowdfunding real estate investor - tiny homes on top of coin piles

It is well known that the path to wealth and riches often passes through the land of real estate in one way or another. The formula is simple… Own real estate investments and become wealthy! However, getting down and dirty in the trenches of real estate investing – like acquiring property and dealing with the …

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The Multi-Millionaire (Uneducated) Truck Driver

multi millionaire truck driver

Is it possible to get rich without a college education? Can an average truck driver become a multi-millionaire? Absolutely!! Everybody knows there are exceptional ways to get rich; lottery winners, professional athletes, celebrities and other high-paid professions. Some people actually get rich by “getting lucky,” and they are certainly the exceptions. But most people who get rich do so by using their smarts and by working hard. Most people who get rich are people who persevered and remained diligent by sticking to a plan.

The unfortunate reality for most people who are rich is something that is blatantly obvious – they are old!! Almost everybody who aspires to be rich (myself included) wishes to get there at the youngest age possible. We want to enjoy our riches while we still have some youth left in us. After all – who wants to be the richest guy (or gal) in the nursing home? I can tell you this much… being the richest will be far better than being the poorest.

So, where am I going with this? Yes – I’m a full-time truck driver for my day job. And I absolutely love it. I work for one of the best companies on the planet and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But at the same time – I know I can’t achieve the level of wealth that I desire, anytime soon, by working a day job as a truck driver. Will it make me rich someday? Yes! Of course. But I want to achieve wealth and true financial freedom long before I am 65 years old – which is why I’ve been working so hard to create passive income online for the past several years.

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