10 Must-Read Business Books to Level Up Your Business Acumen

Some of the world’s most successful people – from Charlie Munger to Elon Musk are habitual learners and voracious readers. Learning new things doesn’t just help us grow in our professional capacity. It also facilitates the growth of our business persona. If you’re already running a business or are looking to start one, these carefully …

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5 Must-Read Entrepreneur Books for Business Success

Entrepreneur Books

Are you an entrepreneur (or an aspiring entrepreneur), and do you want to figure out how to break loose and achieve massive success? You’re in the right place because we have some phenomenal recommendations for you in the ‘entrepreneur books’ category. In a hurry? Here are 2 of the very best entrepreneur books… Why Entrepreneur …

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31 of the Best Passive Income Books for Timeless Inspiration

passive income books

In a world where book-reading seems to be increasingly pushed to the side with video and audio content rising in popularity… I’m here to tell you that book-reading is still alive and well! I would even argue that there is no better place to find organized information on financial freedom and passive income than in …

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The Story Behind the Bug-A-Salt High-Performance Salt Rifle

bug-a-salt high performance salt rifle

True story. Here I sit, underneath the awning at our campsite where my family and I are enjoying a week-long vacation getaway in the woods in Michigan’s upper peninsula, trying to enjoy my morning coffee. The never-ending attack from flies is horrendous and beyond irritating. Luckily, I’m armed and ready for battle with those annoying …

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The #1 Best Damn Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin that Ever Existed

The Best Damn Amazon Affiliate Wordpress Plugin

Hello. My name is Matt. And this is my story about why and how I decided to create and build the best damn Amazon affiliate WordPress plugin that ever existed.

But first things first – I can only take half of the credit. I actually teamed up with a world-class WordPress developer on this project. Partly because I’m not a developer (coder) at all and mostly because I didn’t have tens of thousands of dollars to pay a developer to build this plugin for me. So I partnered up with a bad-ass coder who prefers to remain anonymous. He calls himself Alchemy Coder. We call him AC, for short.

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Long Tail Pro Review

Long Tail Pro Review

Long Tail Pro – once hailed as the undisputed best keyword research tool – has certainly seen it’s ups and downs over the years. Long Tail Pro was originally created by Spencer Haws, from NichePursuits.com, back in 2011. He paid to have the software developed in order to relieve his own frustration with the amount of time it took him to find good keywords. In this Long Tail Pro Review – I’m going to cover every aspect of the tool, from its origin to the latest update and all of the features and everything in between.

Long Tail Pro evolved and went through several changes in its first few years. The most notable being the addition of the Keyword Competitiveness (KC) score – which is a keyword difficulty measurement. This was a revolutionary change that was pioneered by Spencer and Long Tail Pro and, at the time, was the only tool (that I know of) that had this type of feature.

Eventually, Spencer sold his Long Tail Pro business. It’s a fascinating story, really. You can read all about it in full detail on Spencer’s blog (linked below) or listen to the story in Spencer’s own words on Steve Chou’s podcast (also linked below)…

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